Next Installment of The Trip

We finally turned off of I-40 onto Route ?? I don’t remember the number, but we were on a two-lane, well-maintained road. Okay, stop right there. Another aspect of the roads back east is they don’t believe in shoulders or sidewalks for that matter. But they do believe in very Read more…

What am I afraid of?

We talked in an earlier post about how God has numbered our days. So the question is what am I afraid of? I’ll answer that question below, but first I  want to set the stage. Stationed for 3 years in Germany on an Army base, my family took every opportunity Read more…

Exciting Things are Happening!

There have been some exciting things happening in my life. Besides the wonderful world of Grandparents, God has been opening many unforeseen doors for my creativity. The first door was in my church. One of the Elders saw some cards that I gave his wife at Christmas and thought they Read more…

How many days?

How many days are given to you by God? We don’t know this but each day when I wake I thank my Lord for another day. In the last post I told about my accident in the pool in Spain. This was just one incident for which I came close Read more…