Yes I think that is the theme for me. It’s all about time. I spent time on Saturday in a zoom meeting with Writers of Kern and had so much great information that my mind wanted to explode.
I’m not positive I understood it all, but it was on how to market your writing/ books for free. Again it comes down to time.
It’s a time warp I’m stuck in at least that’s what I think. Like I’ve said before I get up in the morning,I turn around and it’s time to go back to bed. I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time, but I think I go into the creative zone and I’m gone for hours. I look up and except for my desk light it’s pitch dark.
Okay so I have my set routine, like eating breakfast, then Bible study after that it’s trying to get back into my workouts. I do slip in the housework, laundry and making lunch. Also I have to arrange time to write and make cards. Both of those are time consumers!!
Oh good grief I got off track. I was talking about the information from the zoom meeting. He talked about readers wanting to hear about the life and times of writers. Now isn’t that interesting. I can’t imagine what I could possibly write that would be engaging or riveting or any other word that describes interesting to anyone. But here I am rambling along with no plot line to this entry.
I can tell you right now this blog is about all the time I can spend in letting readers know what I’m up to. God blessed me with my stories, have I ever told you about that? Maybe that will be my next post.
The presenter said people would like to read something I’ve written well I could spin a good yarn if you want. Or maybe the back stories of my characters.
On a different point and this is not a prideful thing it touched me. My husband handed me an envelope. He said someone left it on my chair at church. It was precious. A young lady made a card and told me how she loved my books and couldn’t wait for the next one. That was worth gold to me, because that was the reason God placed these stories on my heart. They are tales that depict decency and morals with a mix of humor and adventure to entertain children.
So if there is anything you want to know or read let me know. Friends know I can talk a lot. 🙂