It’s been a crazy whirlwind over the last few months, but even before that, life has been crazy, which I’m sure many would agree with me.

I may be writing to nobody, but I’m going to continue to put my thoughts out there in case someone happens to check this out.

Book 6 “Winter at the Pond” is coming along nicely though I had a rough patch in the creative side. My mom who is 93 had a down turn last August. All my thoughts and energy went to going back and forth to Phoenix to take care of her. At one point around Thanksgiving, I thought she wasn’t going to be around much longer. But Praise the Lord, he has given her grace in time. She has had to move from living alone at her home to a wonderful Christian group home and is thriving. She is happy to be around others and has settled in nicely.

At the same time my sister came down with cancer and has finally finished her chemo. But again Praise the Lord she is cancer free.

So my writing took a nose dive, because I couldn’t hold a conversation with talking animals when my world was shrinking. However, God has given me a clear mind (if you would call talking to animals) to finish the draft and now it’s in the editing stage. I hope to publish before the Christmas season, but only time will tell if all things fall into place.


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