There have been some exciting things happening in my life. Besides the wonderful world of Grandparents, God has been opening many unforeseen doors for my creativity.

The first door was in my church. One of the Elders saw some cards that I gave his wife at Christmas and thought they would be a nice addition to our church bookstore. This is huge for me since I love creating and sharing God’s gift.

The second door was an offer earlier this week. There is a craft fair here in town on March 20th  where I will have the opportunity to sell my books. More information is coming as soon as my webmaster, Keith Silvas, helps me share links or the flyer or pertinent information. I’m so technologically illiterate I’m lucky to get these posts out. LOL

The third door was the CHEA (Christian Homeschooler Education Assoc.) convention which approved my application to sell both greeting cards and my books. That event happens in June.

As soon as I received the affirmation I had a panic attack. So much to do in so little time. Then I remembered (duh) that God has blessed me with these open doors and I can depend on him to give me the strength to do what needs to be done. My heart slowed back to normal and my stomach descended from my throat back to where it’s supposed to be.

Another blessing is I have a wonderful friend, Debbie, who as a volunteer worked for 5 years at my book fairs. I asked if she was interested in helping me and she eagerly jumped at the chance to join me in these adventures.

So hopefully this post will go out with the information for the Craft fair happening this March and I hope you’ll stop by my booth!

Here is the link to the Craft fair on March 20th.



1 Comment

Keith Silvas · February 15, 2021 at 11:48 am

I’m excited for you in this new chapter of life! God is good!

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