Next Installment of The Trip

We finally turned off of I-40 onto Route ?? I don’t remember the number, but we were on a two-lane, well-maintained road. Okay, stop right there. Another aspect of the roads back east is they don’t believe in shoulders or sidewalks for that matter. But they do believe in very Read more…

The Train Whistle

I’ve been wanting to write this for some time. I have tried to put it into words orally, but they just couldn’t come out right. This time I feel I have put my feelings down in understandable words and phrases. One evening Charlene and I were taking our usual walk Read more…

Great Reviews

A while back I wrote how I got into writing. I’m still amazed when I’m editing my books that I really wrote the storyline. I can’t explain it. I feel like it was someone else who wrote them and I just plugged the words into the computer. But in each Read more…


Grateful = to be indebted to, to be thankful for, to be beholden to. The title speaks volumes to me. I could start a list of what I’m grateful for, but I don’t think it would fit on this post. However, at this moment I can think of a number Read more…

What am I afraid of?

We talked in an earlier post about how God has numbered our days. So the question is what am I afraid of? I’ll answer that question below, but first I  want to set the stage. Stationed for 3 years in Germany on an Army base, my family took every opportunity Read more…