Praise the Lord for the birth of my third granddaughter, Amelia. This has been a long journey and I wasn’t the one pregnant.
In an earlier post I spoke about my first granddaughter Evelyn’s birth. From what the Doctors have said, because of Evelyn’s blood draining back into my daughter-in-law Monica, it caused antibodies to develop in Monica’s blood that if not monitored would cause complications for Amelia.
Monica had gone to either her regular OBGYN or the high risk doctor every week drawing her blood and checking for her levels.
They preformed a C-section 2 weeks early from her due date. Again Praise the Lord for my 5 lb. 14 oz. 18 inch bundle of pure joy according to her big sister Evelyn.
Well we went to Reno Nov. 30 and stayed 2 1/2 weeks. We didn’t have internet so wasn’t able to do much but work except on Book 4,5 and 6 with Microsoft word. And for some reason facebook locked me out. (Insert eye roll here.)
But oh my what a beautiful meeting of my granddaughter Amelia. So precious were her sweet smiles and snuggles.
Unfortunately the loan people dropped the ball and my son wasn’t able to close before we left. But again praise the Lord. We got over the pass without snow (we were pulling our little trailer home) and my son is moving, but at a slower pace. All things worked out all the way around.
Merry Christmas and may God’s blessing be on you through the new year.