
The library was quiet as the rush of the morning crowd headed to class. The late bell rang and I have a few minutes to listen to the soft sounds of rain falling outside. They forgot to shut my door again, but that isn’t unusual. I wish my door wasn’t Read more…

Patience is a Virtue

You’ve heard it said “Don’t pray for patience”. Why? Because the Lord, may give you something that will cause you to pull out your hair. My cup does not runneth over with patience when it comes to other drivers. If they would just follow the rules, I wouldn’t have to Read more…


Not all mountains were created equal? The Rockies, the Ozarks, and the Smokies, just to mention a few, all have unique qualities bringing delight to every hiker, backpacker or day walker. Packed away in my bottomless pit of a brain are memories that resurface when I recall a name of Read more…

My Favorite Place

Let’s take a trip to my favorite place on earth, Hawaii. The first time I went was with my singing group ‘Harvest Road’. I lived in the lovely state of Colorado, where your summers are three months long and winters are nine months longer. Our group went during the May Read more…


My dad and I spent many hours together, driving from one Army fort to another. He pulled a trailer with a pickup truck while my mom and sister followed in our car. Dad was an entertainer of the arts. No, he was never an actor he was a storyteller. In Read more…